Intent (Android)

Intent (Android)


In the realm of Android app development, “Intent” serves as a powerful mechanism for communication between different components of your application and even across applications. It acts as a message carrier, conveying information and instructions to initiate actions or activities. Understanding intents is crucial for building robust and interactive Android apps.

What is an Intent?

An Intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed. It’s like a request or a message that you send to the Android system, asking it to do something. This “something” could be:

  • Launching a new activity
  • Starting a service
  • Broadcasting a message to other apps
  • Displaying a specific view

Types of Intents

Intents are broadly categorized into two main types:

1. Explicit Intents

Explicit intents explicitly specify the target component (activity, service, or broadcast receiver) that should handle the intent. You know exactly which component you want to interact with.

Example: Launching a specific activity within your app.

Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyActivity.class);

2. Implicit Intents

Implicit intents don’t specify the target component directly. Instead, they define the action to be performed and the data involved. The Android system then finds the most suitable component to handle the intent based on its registered capabilities.

Example: Opening a web page in a browser.

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

Key Components of an Intent

  • Action: The action to be performed, e.g., “ACTION_VIEW,” “ACTION_SEND,” “ACTION_DIAL.”
  • Data: The data associated with the action, often represented as a URI.
  • Category: Additional information about the intent, e.g., “CATEGORY_BROWSABLE,” “CATEGORY_LAUNCHER.”
  • Extras: Additional data passed as key-value pairs.

Common Intent Actions

  • ACTION_VIEW: Display data, such as a web page, image, or text file.
  • ACTION_SEND: Share data, such as text, images, or files.
  • ACTION_DIAL: Initiate a phone call.
  • ACTION_CALL: Make a phone call.
  • ACTION_EDIT: Edit data, such as a contact or a document.

Intent Filters

Intent filters are declared in the AndroidManifest.xml file. They specify the types of intents that a component (activity, service, or broadcast receiver) can handle. When an implicit intent is sent, the Android system uses intent filters to find the most suitable component to handle it.

Example: Launching a Web Browser

Let’s say you want to open a web page in a browser from your app. You can use an implicit intent with the “ACTION_VIEW” action and the URL as data:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

The Android system will find a suitable browser app installed on the device and launch it with the specified URL.


Intents are a fundamental concept in Android app development, enabling seamless communication and interaction between different components and applications. By understanding the different types of intents, their components, and how to use them effectively, you can build powerful and user-friendly Android apps.


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